Region: Northern Italy
Country: Italy
Year: ????
Price: 5.95
Shop: Gaint
Review: Winemaker NotesMartini & Rossi Asti is crafted from 100% handpicked Moscato Bianco grapes, grown in Northern Italy. It is ranked D.O.C.G. (denomination of controlled and guaranteed origin), the highest classification granted to Italian wines. Its aroma will lure you in like a siren's song, boasting fruity and floral notes. Sparking on the tongue, the natural sweetness of the grapes comes through with full flavor and wonderful texture. Recommended for after dinner, pairing with cakes and other desserts or sweet fruits. Ideal for a sparkling cocktail.
My Review: The smell was hard to get because I am stuffed up. But I know that it smelled like pear with a super acidy edge to it. The flavor was all sugary fruit. Sweet apple and pear.
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